The UltraLite represents a revolutionary jump in HF antenna performance, convenience, and reliability. The artfully crafted UltraLite was designed with ease of use in mind. Therefore, all UltraLite antennas are pre-assembled and tuned at the time of manufacture. With its compact four-part fold-up design, the UltraLite is ready to go right out of the box for permanent installation, or quick and easy travel, using the optional Quadrapod travel stand. The UltraLite is a center-fed vertical dipole antenna with a very low radiation takeoff angle (around 27 degrees above horizontal), allowing for very long distances on HF, VHF and UHF bands. The Horizon UltraLite is a ground-mounted omni-directional antenna, requiring no ground radials, tower, or rotor.

The twelve plots below represent the VSWR performance of the antenna using 50 feet of quality RG-8X coax, 100W output power, with the antenna mounted approximately 27 inches above ground with no external objects, metallic or otherwise, within a 30-foot radius of the antenna. The term “bandwidth” here refers to the range of frequencies over which the antenna exhibits a VSWR of 1.5:1 or less.